Originally posted on Leaders in Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence:
Summary of Metabolomics
Author and Curator: Larry H. Bernstein, MD, FCAP
This concludes the series on metabolomics, a rapidly developing science that is interconnected with a group termed – OMICS: proteomics, transcriptomics, genomics, and metabolomics. This chapter is most representative of the many important studies being done in the field, which ranges most widely because it has opened doors into nutrition and nutritional supplements, plant biochemistry, agricultural crops and breeding, animal breeding, worldwide malnutrition, diabetes, cancer, neurosciences, circulatory, respiratory, and musculosletal disorders, infectious diseases and immune system disorders. Obviously, it is not possible to cover the full range of activity, but metabolomics is most comprehensive in exploring the full range of metabolic changes that occur in health during the full age range from development to the geriatric years. It can be integrated well with gene expression, proteomics studies, and epidemiological investigations.
The subchapters are given here:
7.1 Extracellular evaluation of intracellular flux in yeast cells
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