Originally posted on आयुर्वेद : ई०टी०जी० आयुर्वेदास्कैन : AYURVEDA : ETG AyurvedaScan ; ई० एच० जी० होम्योपैथीस्कैन : E.H.G. HomoeopathyScan:
NEW INVENTION of ETG AyurvedaScan system have now introduced “continuous test” of the organs or viscera affected for their minute patho-physiological and pathological studies for diagnosis and other purposes.
Below is given three patient’s traces , which was recorded at least 04 hours continuously for best diagnosis and pin-point problem solutions.
E.T.G. AyurvedaScan CONTINUOUS TRACE RECORDING SYSTEM provides regular monitoring of the affected area or patient problems diagnosis and to know , what is happening with the patient within 24 hours or within 48 hours oe more , may be monitorised by this system.
Many patient complaints that they feel problems at any hours of the day or night , for them this process is beneficial to trace the problems they have.
Few hours like 3 to 4 hours continuous monitoring is also beneficial for short term observations. These observations are beneficial for treatment and management of…
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