Originally posted on The Global Innovations:
Since independence several measures have been undertaken by the National Government to improve the health of the people. Several National Health Programs have been launched by the Government including programs on Non-communicable diseases (NCD) along with the communicable diseases which are prevalent in India. Now India is experiencing a rapid health transition with rising burden of chronic NCDs especially CVD, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke and lung diseases. In 2005 NCDs accounted for 53 % of deaths and NCDs are surpassing the burden of communicable diseases in India.
In 2010 the Cancer program was integrated with the then existing program and the new program is NPCDCS (National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke). There are two programs under NPCDCS:
- DCS – Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke – under NPCDCS
- Cancer component under NPCDCS
The objectives of the new cancer program under NPCDCS are:
- Primary prevention: Health education
- Secondary…
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