Garcinia Cambogia Extract Explained
The latest in innovation in weight loss supplements is Garcinia Cambogia. It is unparalleled in its ability to help boost your body’s weight loss potential, and help you achieve your perfect weight.
There’s no wonder it’s quickly gained a huge following, with endorsements from celebrities to health experts, with scientifically proven ability to help you increase your fat burning power.
As with all supplements like this, there are questions as to how it works, and just how it can benefit you, with your health and in losing weight. This site’s goal is to hopefully answer some of these questions, and to show you just how you can benefit from this amazing supplement.
What is Garcinia Cambogia?
Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit, that is grown all over Asia, but originating in Indonesia and grows particularly well grows best with tropical conditions. It rose to prominence after appearance on the massively lauded American health show, Doctor Oz. It had recently been subject to a medical trial where the study scientifically proved it was highly effective in increasing burning up fat and aiding in overall weight loss.
Can Garcinia Cambogia Extract Help Me Lose Weight?
Well Garcinia Cambogia contains a useful compound called Hydroxycitric Acid, which I’ll refer to as HCA for ease of reference. Garcinia Cambogia contains one of the highest known concentrations of HCA, and this was why it was noticed as a potential weight loss supplement. HCA has two main mechanisms in which it works to boost your fat burning potential:
Firstly it will reduce the ability for the body to convert carbohydrates into fat cells, meaning that even without a calorific controlled diet; you will be able to aid your body’s ability to burn of existing fat, while not gaining additional fat.
Secondly it will also suppress your appetite, meaning that it will not only help reduce the weight you can put on by stopping putting on additional fat, it will also massively reduce the cravings and hunger that usually lead to breaking a diet and weight loss routine. This means that your body will just be burning off the existing fat, helping you to achieve that perfect weight!
What About Side Effects form Garcinia Cambogia?
The most amazing thing about Garcinia Cambogia is that the side effects of the product are almost non-existent in the all-natural extract. By this I mean an extract that contains purely Garcinia Cambogia extract without any additional additives that some unrepeatable sellers will try to pass off as the quality product. Those extracts that contain additives can cause side effect in users of Garcinia Cambogia, which are related to the different additives and binding agents added.
The cost of Garcinia Cambogia from a supplier, whom ensures a high quality and natural product, will range from $40-50 a bottle. There is however introductory offers from some suppliers, such as Miracle Garcinia Cambogia currently offering a free bottle of Garcinia Cambogia with every order.
This means the overall cost per bottle of this amazing product can drop as low as $28.99. Most of these offers unfortunately do have a limited stock and therefore won’t be around forever.
Garcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical[2] species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as gambooge, brindleberry,[3] brindall berry, Malabar tamarind,[2] assam fruit, vadakkan puli (northern tamarind) and kudam puli (pot tamarind).[4] This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color. It has recently received considerable media attention because of its purported effects on weight loss, although there is no clinical evidence to support this claim.
Garcinia gummi-gutta is grown for its fruit in southeast Asia, coastal Karnataka/Kerala, India, and west and central Africa. It thrives in most moist forests.
Garcinia gummi-gutta is one of several closely related Garcinia species from the plant family Guttiferae.[5] With thin skin and deep vertical lobes, the fruit of G. gummi-gutta and related species range from about the size of an orange to that of a grapefruit; G. gummi-gutta looks more like a small yellowish, greenish or sometimes reddish pumpkin.[6] The color can vary considerably. When the rinds are dried and cured in preparation for storage and extraction, they are dark brown or black in color.
Along the west coast of South India, G. gummi-gutta is popularly termed “Malabar tamarind,” and shares culinary uses with the tamarind (Tamarindus indica). The latter is a small and the former a quite large evergreen tree. G. gummi-gutta is also called “goraka” or, in some areas, simply “kattcha puli” (souring fruit).
Garcinia gummi-gutta is used in cooking, including in the preparation of curries. The fruit rind and extracts of Garcinia species are called for in many traditional recipes,[7] and various species of Garcinia are used similarly in food preparation in Assam (India), Thailand, Malaysia, Burma and other Southeast Asian countries. In the Indian Ayurvedic medicine, “sour” flavors are said to activate digestion. The extract and rind of Garcinia gummi-gutta is a curry condiment in India. It is an essential souring ingredient in the Southern Thai variant of kaeng som, a sour curry.
Garcinia gummi-gutta is employed commercially in fish curing, especially in Sri Lanka (Colombo curing) and South India, which makes use of the antibacterial qualities of the fruit.
The trees can be found in forested areas and also are protected in plantations otherwise given over to pepper, spice, and coffee production.
Traditional medicine
Aside from its use in food preparation and preservation, extracts of G. gummi-gutta are sometimes used in traditional medicine aspurgatives. The fruit rind is also used to make medicine.
Weight loss
In late 2012, a United States television personality, Dr. Oz, promoted Garcinia cambogia extract as a “magic” weight-loss aid. Dr. Oz’s previous endorsements have often led to a substantial increase in consumer interest in the promoted products. However, a dearth of scientific evidence and clinical trials do not support claims that Garcinia cambogia is an effective weight-loss aid.[8][9] A meta-analysis found a possible small, short-term weight loss effect (under 1 kilogram).[10] However, side effects—namely hepatotoxicity (chemical-driven liver damage)—led to one preparation being withdrawn from the market.[11][12]
A 1998 randomized controlled trial looked at the effects of hydroxycitric acid, the purported active component in Garcinia gummi-gutta, as a potential antiobesity agent in 135 people. The conclusion from this trial was that “Garcinia cambogia failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo”.[13]
- “Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Roxb.”. The Plant List. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved 1 June 2013.
- “USDA GRIN Taxonomy”.
- “Potential treatments for insulin resistance in the horse: A comparative multi-species review”. Science Direct. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
- “Meals that heal – Soul curry”. The Hindu. Retrieved 3 October 2013.
- Publications & Information Directorate, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (1986). G. cambogia Desr. The Useful Plants of India. (New Delhi: Publications & Information Directorate, 1986) 229.
- “Fruit yellowish or reddish, size of an orange having six or eight deep longitudinal grooves in its fleshy pericarp. Pulp acid of a pleasant flavor. It is dried among the Singalese who use it in curries.” Uphof, J.C. Th. (1968).
- “The acid rinds of the ripe fruit are eaten, and in Ceylon are dried, and eaten as a condiment in curries.” Drury, Heber (1873). “Garcinia gambogia(Desrous) N. 0. Clusiaceae”. The Useful Plants of India, second edition. London: William H. Allen & Co. p. 220.
- Belluz, Julia; Hoffman, Steven J. (1 January 2013). “Dr. Oz’s Miraculous Medical Advice; Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”. Slate. The Slate Group. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
- Márquez F1, Babio N, Bulló M, Salas-Salvadó J (2012). “Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of hydroxycitric acid or Garcinia cambogia extracts in humans”. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 52 (7): 585–94. doi:10.1080/10408398.2010.500551. PMID 22530711.
- Hepatotoxicity (from hepatic toxicity) implies driven liver damage.
- Lobb, A. (2009). “Hepatoxicity associated with weight-loss supplements: A case for better post-marketing surveillance”. World Journal of Gastroenterology 15 (14): 1786–1787. doi:10.3748/wjg.15.1786. PMC 2668789. PMID 19360927.
- Kim YJ1, Choi MS, Park YB, Kim SR, Lee MK, Jung UJ (2013). “Garcinia Cambogia attenuates diet-induced adiposity but exacerbates hepatic collagen accumulation and inflammation”. World J Gastroenterol 19 (29): 4689–701. doi:10.3748/wjg.v19.i29.4689. PMID 23922466.
- Heymsfield, S. B.; Allison, D. B.; Vasselli, J. R.; Pietrobelli, A.; Greenfield, D.; Nunez, C. (1998). “Garcinia cambogia (Hydroxycitric Acid) as a Potential Antiobesity Agent: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association 280 (18): 1596–1600.doi:10.1001/jama.280.18.1596. PMID 9820262.
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