New Drug Approvals Blog has 2 lakh plus viewers in USA alone
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I suffered a paralytic stroke in dec 2007 and bound to a wheelchair, this seems to have injected feul in me to help chemists around the world, I am more active than before and pushing boundaries, I have 2,5 lakh connections on all networking sites, I am available to all, contact me on +91 9323115463,, Twitter @amcrasto
My son lionel was only in first standard in school when I was hit by a deadly one in a million spine stroke called acute transverse mylitis, it made me 90% paralysed and bound to a wheel chair, He cried bitterly and we had never seen him so depressed
Now I keep Lionel as my source of inspiration and helping millions, thanks to millions of my readers who keep me going and help me to keep my son and family happy.
Filed under: Anthony crasto, BLOGS, REVIEW, SPOTLIGHT Tagged: New drug approvals