The ECA Foundation and the Pharmaceutical Quality Group (PQG) have been working on the interpretation of different chapters of the EU GDP Guideline. Now the group has finalized the work on chapter 6 – Complaints, Returns, Suspected Falsified Medicinal Products & Medicinal Product Recalls. Read more about the GDP Guidance Chapter 6.
The ECA Foundation and the Pharmaceutical Quality Group (PQG) have been working on the interpretation of different chapters of the EU GDP Guideline. The interpretation of five chapters have been published already. The following 5 Guidance chapters on the EU GDP Guideline are available:
Chapter 1: Quality Management
Chapter 9: Transportation (also contains a template for a Technical Agreement)
Chapter 7: Outsourced Activities
Chapter 2: Personnel
Chapter 5: Operations
Now the group has finalized the work on chapter 6 – Complaints, Returns, Suspected Falsified Medicinal Products & Medicinal Product Recalls. Chapter 6 of the EU GDP…
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