In February 2014 the draft for the revision of Annex 15 was published. Compared with the currently valid version the changes were partly significant. Now the draft was published as final document and will be valid as of 1 October 2015. Read more about the Changes in Annex 15.
In February 2014 the draft for the revision of EU GMP Annex 15 was published (see the GMP-News from 11 February 2014 “Revision of the EU GMP Annex 15 for Qualification and Validation published“). Compared with the currently valid version the changes were significant in some parts (see also the GMP-News from 21 March 2014 “Detailed Analysis of Annex 15 Draft“. Now the draft was published as final document and will be valid as of 1 October 2015.
What will change? Following you will find an overview about the changes.
With 16 pages the document is much…
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